Only Six Days Late . . . With My 2017 Review, I Mean

Normally I like to do an end of the year review of my blogging, but I am running late with practically everything.

For those of you who do not read my L. Rigdon newsletter (follow this link to get on my newsletter list), you should know that a few big things happened at the end of 2017.

First of all – I got a full-time job!

new career

Due to numerous issues – both financial and personal – finding full-time employment was the only way to handle the needs of my life. I am now a content manager with an organization that builds thought leadership networking conferences for C-suite level executives.

Giving up freelance was not exactly something I had planned on for 2017. Quite the opposite, actually. I have one forthcoming blog about that experience, and I’m sure there will be other blogs having to do with my thoughts and reflections on switching my entire career plan.

Second big thing — my entire writing career has massively changed!

Let me assure you all that I am still writing. Since I work 40 hours a week and commute 10 hours a week, my available free time is at a premium. I’ve had to reduce my writing time significantly, and I’m still in the midst of trying to find that delicate balance.

As far as my fiction goes, I have carefully constructed a plan on how to write and still produce amazing books for my fans. You can learn more about that by joining my newsletter through the link above and by liking me on Facebook.

In regards to my blogging, I will be the first to admit that I have been slacking in 2017. How bad have I been slacking? Let’s do some review!

In 2017, I wrote 16 blog posts on this site. Five of those blogs were promo plugs for my published fiction. So, in reality, I wrote 11 posts.

In comparison, during 2016, I wrote 22 posts, and only two of them were promo plugs.

That’s nearly a 50% decrease in one year!

drop in productivity

Are there reasons? Of course there are reasons! I completed and published a novel in 2017. I was going through major life changes. To top it off, I had to go job hunting, and thankfully was successful in starting work at a new job on November 6.

So how do I want to move forward with my blogs? Do I have the time?

I have had this blog for over a decade now. I used it as a mock portfolio, before I had any real clients or experience to speak of. Since then, I’ve used this blog as a place to get out my thoughts on topics that interest me. I still need a place to put those thoughts, and I like using my blog as a platform for promoting my writing.

Luckily – I have a plan!

I do not know how often I will be able to write, but I do know when I can carve out some time.

My lunch breaks.

I will have to be strategic, using some of my lunch breaks to do topic research, and other lunch breaks to do the actual writing. It may also mean shorter blog posts than usual, but I don’t want to sacrifice the quality of my posts. I will not post garbage simply to post something!

Okay readers – I hope this new plan works for you.

I also want to say thank you.


Some of you have been reading my blogs for years, and I am truly grateful.

When I named my site, “The Eccentric Eclectic’s Blogs,” I did it specifically because I wasn’t writing under any niche. At the time I just wasn’t ready to commit myself in any particular direction, and it was only later that I learned how having no niche was problematic in regards to having a fan base. Nevertheless, you have stuck by my blog, no matter how many random and disconnected topics I go through.

Thank you!

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